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From Apricots to Computer Chips: California's Silicon Valley
November 2013
By Andrea Gross

**Please click on the magazine page below to view the article**

  November 2013 -- Online Articles
>>4 Guidelines for Dealing With Alzheimer's
>>Parents, Alzheimer's and Money
>>JFK Memorabilia: 50 Years Later
>>The Goodness of Gratitude
>>Who's Calling Me Now?
>>Check Those Wills
>>Time to Shop for the Best Medicare Deal
>>Use Natural Supplements to Battle OsteoArthritis
>>From Apricots to Computer Chips: California's Silicon Valley
>>Simplify Wines on Thanksgiving
>>Review of "One Summer: America 1927"
>>Saluting Marvin Kaplan
>>Recent DVD Releases (November 2013)

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