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Tips and Recipes for a Healthy Holiday Season *ONLINE ONLY*
November 2024
By Jaclyn Albin, M.D.

Holiday celebrations are synonymous with families gathered around the dining table, laden with rich and festive dishes. The overabundance of tasty treats is a large part of most traditions, but it can feel overwhelming when you’re also trying to prioritize your health.

The good news is it’s all right to indulge in some of your favorite foods and beverages with friends and family without fear of derailing your dietary goals. With a little planning and extra forethought about what to put on your plate – while also adding a few nutritious ingredients to your holiday recipes – you can still enjoy your favorite foods and provide nourishing meals for everyone at the table.

To allay any uncertainty about healthy eating, I collaborated with registered dietitian Milette Siler, lead culinary medicine instructor at UT Southwestern and co-founder of our Culinary Medicine clinical service line, to offer some guidance.

Moderation is key - You are the architect of your plate, so you can create a healthy mix. Start with a smaller helping and go back for more if you’re still hungry. Plan to fill half of the plate with fruits and veggies and consider adding multiple colors to each plate to create a balance between proteins, fruits, fiber, and sweets. Also, don’t be afraid to add variety. Savoring the different colors, flavors, and textures will enhance the meal and your enjoyment. At the end of the day, eating with family and friends is meant to be a delightful experience to cherish.

Don’t beat yourself up - It’s OK to enjoy your favorite dishes during the holidays, so don’t feel as if you need to “earn” them. The holiday menu should not come with a side of guilt and shame. Instead, embrace intention and mindfulness. Accepting an occasional high-sugar or high-fat treat is fine, and it will feel all the more special because they are infrequent.

Do a little pre-party planning - If you’re going to a holiday party or event where you anticipate feeling overwhelmed by options, consider eating a nourishing pre-party meal (think veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds, legumes, lean protein). Then you can focus on socializing and just grab a few light additions.

Try the wait-and-see method - If you just ate a delicious cookie and feel compelled to have another, try waiting 10 minutes. Grab some water, a savory food item, and distract yourself. Then, if you’re still craving another cookie, go for it. However, you might just find you’ve moved on!

Limit how much you drink - Calories from alcoholic and sugary holiday beverages can quickly add up, and they don’t do much to help us stay full. Plan ahead when you expect to indulge and be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day before a celebration.

Think beyond your plate - Holiday wellness isn’t just about food. It’s also a time to express thanks and connect with loved ones. This year, take a moment to intentionally honor the people who laboriously prepared the meal and opened their homes. Centering our minds in a place of gratitude can redirect our focus from the food to the people we care about and share it with.

And in terms of personal health, nutrition is only part of the equation. Getting consistent and adequate sleep, engaging in daily movement (even short bursts of 5 to 10 minutes are helpful), and learning effective ways of coping with stress (think herbal tea, aromatherapy, a warm bath, or a massage) will go a long way in helping you stay on track. A healthful holiday season will set you up for wellness year-round, and there is no one-size-fits-all instruction manual. The most important approach is one you can stick to – consistency matters!

Jaclyn Albin, M.D., CCMS, DipABLM, is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Pediatric, and Public Health in the UT Southwestern School of Medicine and O'Donnell School of Public Health.


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