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Medicare Fraud Alert (Online only)
September 2010
By Louisiana Senior Medicare Patrol

The following information was provided to LOUISIANA Senior Medicare Patrol by the local Office of Inspector General. The Louisiana Attorney General and the US Department of Health and Human Services want you to be aware of possible Medicare fraud.

ARTHRITIS KITS: Many seniors in Louisiana have been surprised

to discover a Medicare Arthritis Kit on their doorstep. They did not

order the equipment and in many cases have no use for the flimsy ace bandage-type equipment found in the box. These kits are not endorsed byMedicare and they are an example of Durable Medical Equipment (DME)fraud. If you receive such a kit, or any other DME you did not order,please call Louisiana SMP immediately so we can report the fraud.

FALSE FRONT PROVIDERS: A new type of Medicare fraud is

appearing in Louisiana and it’s easy for you to determine if your Medicarecard has been used to perpetrate this type of fraud. Read your MedicareSummary Notice or Explanation of Benefits carefully. If you see chargesbilled to you from a physician in an unfamiliar city, give us a call. Physicians identities are being stolen and used to open false front offices. Theseoffices do not provide actual medical care; they exist for the sole purpose of stealing money from Medicare. Remember: Do not give your Medicare number to telephone solicitors, sales people and people you are not familiar with – once given, Medicare can be billed time and again with your number for services you do not want and have not authorized.

This alert has been brought to you by the Office of the Louisiana Attorney General, Department of Health and Humans Services – Office of Inspector General and Louisiana SMP.



  September 2010 -- Online Articles
>>Tai Chi (Online Only)
>>Medicare Fraud Alert (Online only)
>>Be Proactive About Your Parents Health
>>Understainding Medicare
>>Protective Orders
>>Your Tongue Tells A Story
>>The Mysterious Case of the Unwanted Auto Fleet
>>Crime Protection
>>A Fiddle and a Fireplace
>>Secret Cities: Visiting the Secret Sites of WWII
>>Side-Step Frailty with Exercise (Online only)

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