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Pre-hypertension, Pre-diabetes and Pre-cancer (online only)
August 2010
By Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN

Q:  What’s with these conditions called pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes and pre-cancer?  It used to be either you had the condition or you didn’t.

 A:   Years ago, there was a gray zone between normal and a diagnosis of high blood pressure or diabetes generally referred to as “borderline.”  Research has now advanced, showing more clearly that people with these borderline conditions are likely to develop full-blown hypertension or diabetes, and also showing that many cases of full-blown disease could be prevented or delayed with a healthy diet, weight and activity level.  So now these diagnoses of pre-hypertension and pre-diabetes are treated like a red traffic light – saying stop what you are doing and make some healthy changes.  Pre-hypertension refers to a blood pressure between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg; even blood pressures in this range increase your risk for heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. Risk of developing hypertension can be reduced with weight loss of even 15 pounds, three hours a week of moderate exercise and limited sodium and alcohol consumption.  Pre-diabetes refers to a blood sugar of 100 to 125 mg/dL after an overnight fast or blood sugar of 140 to 199 mg/dL after a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test.  Development of diabetes can be markedly reduced with a five to ten percent weight loss (often 10 to 20 pounds) and regular physical activity.  Cancer may start as pre-cancerous growths, such as certain colon polyps. These polyps can be removed, but finding them may be a good reminder to see how you can lower your risk of cancer by your lifestyle choices.  For example, for color cancer, lower risk is linked with maintaining a healthy weight; moderate physical activity at least 30 minutes a day; limiting red meat (no more than 18 ounces a week) and avoiding processed meat; limiting alcohol consumption; including plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans for fiber and nutrients; and make sure to include adequate calcium in your diet.


  August 2010 -- Online Articles
>>You Could Save Thousands on Your Prescription Drugs (online only)
>>Candida Causes Dozens of Disorders (online only)
>>Pre-hypertension, Pre-diabetes and Pre-cancer (online only)
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>>Women Starting Over: How to Take Charge of Your Financial Future
>>Financial Help for Seniors
>>No Job for You
>>Anti Drill Sergeant Personal Training
>>Traveling in the Past
>>Great Places to Beat the Heat
>>A Tool Bag Full of Answers
>>Profile in Pizzazz: Judy Talley
>>Restaurant Review: The Market

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