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What supplemental benefits can I get from a Medicare Advantage Plan? *ONLINE ONLY*
January 2025
By Medicare Rights Center

Dear Marci,

I currently have a Medicare Advantage Plan and learned that it has supplemental benefits. Can you explain what these are?

-Elena (San Diego, CA)

Dear Elena,

A supplemental benefit is an item or service covered by a Medicare Advantage Plan that is not covered by Original Medicare. These items or services do not need to be provided by Medicare providers or at Medicare-certified facilities. Most supplemental benefits are health-related. Some examples include:

• Dental care

• Vision care

• Hearing aids

• Gym memberships

These benefits must be available to everyone enrolled in the plan. Other supplemental benefits —like meal delivery services, transportation services, or home air cleaners—usually may only be provided for members that have a particular chronic illness. These benefits can address specific risks related to their chronic illness or social determinants of health for people with chronic disease. A social determinant of health is a part of life that can affect health in some way, such as not having access to transportation to attend doctor’s appointments or not having access to healthy foods. Special Needs Plans (SNPs) may also offer different supplemental benefits.

Supplemental benefits that are not specific to those with a chronic condition or offered in a SNP can be either optional—offered to everyone enrolled in a plan, but individuals can choose to pay an additional premium for that coverage—or they can be mandatory. A mandatory benefit is covered for everyone enrolled in the plan.

Before choosing to enroll in a plan that offers supplemental benefits or before electing an optional supplemental benefit, you’ll want to review the plan’s coverage rules. A plan’s supplemental benefits are often less comprehensive than you may assume. For example, a plan may cover routine dental cleanings but not fillings or other services, or it may have restrictions like how often you can use your dental benefits. If a Medicare Advantage Plan advertises its supplemental benefits, remember to ask questions, get answers in writing, and read the coverage rules to know exactly what to expect.

To find out how to access your supplemental benefits, contact your plan directly.

Good luck!


The Medicare Rights Center is a national, nonprofit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives.


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